11 users, 3 shops, 17 items in database
Shops in Entropia Universe

About project "Shops in EU"

Warning: alpha version = not all of cool features are included, but it's working. It's working for YOU and YOUR customers.
Shops in Entropia Universe is a site dedicated to all Entropia Universe players.
The main purpose is to provide informations about the shops existing in Entropia Universe virtual world - their location, stock and prices.

You can use this page like for searching items in the shops of registered shop-owners. This can help you save your time while playing, because you don't have to search the item that you need in every shop you find (if you find some:)

If you are a shop owner, you can create your own account, log in and insert your shop details as offered items, screenshots, location of your shop... so you just help to your potential customers to find you easily in the wide Entropia world.

Free registration, free shop insertion, free searching, and no maintenance fees!

Everybody can get what he wants easier, better and faster.

Enjoy your new style of buying (selling) items you are looking for - spending less time by searching and more time by playing.

Increase turn-over by letting know about your shop.

this features will be included in little time:
- advanced searching
- searching by shop-owners
- short links to shop-owner's shop list
- short links to shop's items list
- short links to certain items (promotion)

... and many others, stay tuned!